Saturday, June 20, 2009

Minifit XL Laptop Stand With Movable Cooling Fan

The Minifit XL laptop stand has a clever movable fan that you can customize to keep the hottest part in your laptop chilled. This laptop stand also doubles up as a protective sleeve and will serve as a book stand for all your reading needs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Most of the common CPU cooling fans are designed in a way that they draw cool air into the system unit from outside ant then expel the warm air outside. Most people don’t see the need of having an effective cooling system in their machine. When the computer system produces a lot of heat, there are some components that may be destroyed by the heat. This only happens if the amount of heat produced exceeds the normal. Laptops are also fitted with a laptop cooler to assist in the same. The major use of the CPU fan entails cooling the equipment and expelling any excess heat.

